
Post of The Month!

Mosiaacs with Room 7!

On Thursday we started making Mosiaacs with Room 7. We had designed them the week before, We had kids bring in some tiles to smash up. We smashed up the pieces and made our designs on the paper with those pieces. Then we put them in the concrete molds to dry. Now we are waiting!

First Aid

In week 3, nayland primary had the honor, of going to a first aid class to get ready for camp! We learnt lots of helpful survival tips, and played some fun games. The lady who  tought us was Shane, and she was a Saint Johns member. Here are some photos!

Weet-Bix tryathlon 2018

Thanks to all the kids who went to the 2018 weet-bix tryathlon Here is a photo of all the kids in our class who took part in this event


On Wednesday we had our school science fair. We have been working on this all term it has been our topic for this term. We have been working very hard to do these experiments. Here are some of the experiments that we did: What gluten free four makes the best muffins? Where on a basketball court is the best place to shoot a basketball? What ramp height will an RC car jump the furthest?.

Futsal Training

On Wednesday 9th of August we had Football practice with Ben from the Nelson Football He taught us about passing to our buddy's and we did some exercises by rolling the ball and stopping it with our feet.  It was a miserable rainy day so we had to play it inside this was called Futsal. We got to do heaps of fun activity's with one ball between us. He was very trained and skilled so he definitely knew what he was doing. One of the exercises was toe tapping the ball 10 times then kicking the ball to your buddy it was hard but at the same time fun. Ben was lovely and we can't wait for him to come again.

Science With Hamish

Last Friday we were lucky enough to have Hamish the head scientist at Nayland College  come to show each syndicate some science experiments and tell us about them. All of the ingridients for the experiments were objects from around the house here is a photo. Some of the  experiments were fidget spinners, helicopters and bottle rocket  our favorite one was the bottle rocket. We had somebody to get up and aim the tube up but he aimed wrong and it smashed one of the stars! The  experiment in the picture is the paper helicopter  He had to try a big and a small one. Hamish said it had to be a fair test or you would not be able to count that as a test. You can see a ramp on the table going down that was to test how different surfaces effected a toy car's distance travelled, again if we did not make it fair it would not count. We had him come in because our Science Fair is coming up so he gave us some tips and of course some  experiment. We really enjoyed...

Cross-Country Training

For the last few days we have been training for cross country by running around the railway reserve. here are some photos of us running over the bridge! we have been running 1.5 km and some of us even ran TWO LAPS!!!

Partnerships Unit Video
